Thursday, 12 July 2012

Wig News July

Wig News July, originally uploaded by Gantaeno.
Hello everyone!

Yes, I am now officially two dozen old :D I'ts a while since I updated, so here's what's going on...

1) I'm moving house and buying furniture and all that jazz! This will be my first ever proper home alone and I'm dead excited :D I will be closing the shop from July 21st-ish until August 7th-ish in order to move smoothly without worrying about shipping, so please place orders before then.

2) The last half of the mohair order is incoming: I am hoping to get them all shipped out before I move depending on customs and all the rest :) Can't wait!

3) I started my new teaching job this month, yey! I was only in for four days but I know I'm going to love it: the last day was MENTAL and the Sixth Form girls had put a paddling pool in the formal entrance hall complete with sandy beach. Final assembly was lightened up by one of them running in shrieking "TROLL! In the dungeons! Thought you ought to know" *collapse* plus helium hymn voices XD

Pink mohair wigs are being added to the site right now... Oh yeah, once all the wigs are out I will be hosting a mohair photography competition, with free wigs to give away :) More in August!

Chloe xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi I've just found your amazing wigs and I'm wondering how do I join your mailing list?
    vicky x
