Friday, 13 August 2010

Quick Query :)

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since the last blog update but as the order is nearing its completion I thought I might as will have one central post to refer people to!
Ok, I am hoping that the wigs are pretty much done: the company contacted me yesterday with some exciting news: they've been working on some new exclusive designs for me and will probably have a preview finished for tomorrow! Oh yeah! As you know up until now I have had to accept that all the designs I've worked on have also been added to the companies website, which is not great. These two new designs will be EXCLUSIVE TO ME (hurrah) and I hope to add piccys tomorrow!!

In other news I'm adding a new poll and would appreciate your opinions :) It's about Hand Craft Glass eyes and whether or not you'd be interested in buying them from me if I had a stock of them?The company gives a discount of 40% if you buy in bulk so they'd be a bit cheaper to buy a single pair from me too :) I've got a few photos of their eyes in my dolls here:

I'm also happy to announce that the website is almost done and looks GORGEOUS thanks to two great people who've offered me help: I can't wait to unveil that too!

Thanks a lot for sticking with me :)

Chloe xx

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