Sadly I have no nice photos because my sister, who was supposed to be listening for the postman, decided a shower was more important. Where does that girl get her priorities?!? Anyway, so I rushed down to the Post Office and was luckily able to carry the box home and get a few wigs out and on my girls. Hope you like them? On the left is the Long Alice style, middle is Miss Muffet (LOVE IT) and last is the teal and green Short Alice that was missing from the last box.
Shop is open. Please bear in mind that wigs most likely won't be shipped until after the 9th of January!
I'll add new pictures to my Flickr tomorrow, light permitting.
Next order is likely to be a small one because next term I'll be teaching 3/4 of a teachers normal day: doesn't sound like much but at my new school it'll mean planning and teaching 25 lessons a week :P I am hoping to order more Miss Muffet wigs, and probably Long Alices.... any suggestions? Let me know via e-mail or Flickr!
Have a great New Year,
Chloe x
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Wigs Are Here!
Sunday, 18 December 2011
just a quick one to let peopel know my site will be down from 20th December to january... 5th or 6th probably. This is because, whilst I'm expecting the new wigs to arrive in early January, the older ones will still be at my University address.
As a result, if you're interested in any of the preo rder styles, now's your last chance before the New Year, sorry!
Chloe xxx
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Don't Forget!
We're still on track for a late December, early January delivery from my wig people. Exciting wigs are coming:
Long Alices which will be like the limited vampire Lumi wig.
Miss Muffet: a new curly bunches style (weirdly, it's similar to the new Nutcracker Lumi's hair style! Strange, eh?)
As always, things will change ones they arrive :) please peek at my profile for more info...
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Coming soon
... to a wig place near you ;)
Thanks everyone for your colour selecting help! I'm very limited this time because I want this order to arrive before Christmas hopefully, by the beginning of January at the very latest.
I will add these to my site very soon, please watch this space: won't be preview photos though sadly! Long Alice and Bunches are news styles, based on Lati ones.
Chloe xxx
Friday, 4 November 2011
Please make suggestions for long Alice colours! The style will be similar to the Mystic Lumi vampire limited wig. I will take any colours that have more than two people suggesting them, but I have literally a weekend to decide!
Please share via Flickr :)
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Posted Everything!
Phew! I know I can't control how long it takes for my orders to be made, but when I promise a deadline at my end I'm going to meet it if it kills me! *Nurses paper cut hands*
Today I have posted all outstanding orders. There's only one wig style missing from the box which I will contact the company about: I have emailed those it involves. The prizes for the competition have also been posted, hurrah!
Thanks for being so patient, everyone :)
In other news, to continue my massively dedicated day (yey!) I will be going through and counting stock tonight and hopefully taking all my wigs to University with me tomorrow. This means that I can open my shop in a matter of days rather than weeks, yey!
On top of that, I will be doing a very small, very quick order soon... keep an eye on me for details.
Thanks again!
Chloe xxx
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Wigs are Here!
They're at my house!
Ok, so tomorrow I will go home after my tutorials, and pack in a manic way. I will then spend almost all of Thursday posting wigs out and hopefully get them all done in one day... fingers crossed! As a result, I will CLOSE tomorrow morning (26th) to give me a chance to package, please don't wait as I'm not sure when I'll reopen due to epic teacher training! Prices will be up to $28 after reopening as the wigs will be 'in stock'.
Thanks a lot,
Chloe xx
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Hi All,
I'm moving back to University in less than a week, hurrah! Here's a few pieces of info I think you may want to know...
1) Please don't forget to enter the Gaga contest! it ends this week and so far if you're entered you're guaranteed to win :P
2) My new accomodation apparently won't accept parcel for me :S DISASTER.... I'm hoping to chat up the security guards, but until I can do that this will have two effects.
- I have to get the latest order sent home, so forwarding them from my address may take a few weekends... sorry, but there's nothing I can do :(
- If I can't talk the accomodation types 'round, then this may be the last order this year. It's going to be too hard to organise orders once I'm doing classes AND teaching placements, if I have to travel home just to post wigs! We'll see though :)
3) As I'm moving I will CLOSE the shop from this Thursday. I will reopen as soon as I hear from the company that my order is on its way... make sense? So, last chance for preorder discounts :)
Thank you everyone!
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Hi All,
It's nearly time for orders to close! I hope you've found the wigs you like, so far there are quite a few wig colours and styles that are very popular, and only a few that have one or two buyers... I think we can manage all the wigs ordered :)
I will let you all know when I have a better idea of a shipping date.
Monday, 4 July 2011
I'm Open for business!
Hi All! I've decided to open slightly earlier so I have time to close orders whilst within easy reach of a computer. I know it will clash with the purchase of lovely new Lati dolls (I LOVE these new tans! Such a tough decision...) so I'm expecting later orders. I may keep the shop open a little longer but please don't rely on that happening... you can see more comparison pics in my Flickr account just in case you need them.
Here's what I'm ordering...
Pixie Wigs for Lati Yellow
Tinker wigs for Lati Yellow
Short Alice wigs for Puki and Lati Yellow
Smooth Cassidy wigs for Lati Yellow
Wow, I got talked into a few more styles! If you'd like Yo-SD wigs in these styles please contact me as I haven't added them yet!
I will only order colours that have three or more orders as usual, because I have to fill a minimum order.
This time I want to do things a little differently to reward those people who place orders early with me which makes my life so much easier. If you order a wig at the preorder stage before I announce final colours (ie in the first two or three weeks) I will be charging just $26 per wig, which puts the price down to what it was before VAT went up :) If you order after that but before they arrive, I will probably make them $27, but as soon as it's announced that they're on their way the price will be set at $28 as usual. Early orders make my life easier, and it should make it better for you guys too, so you don't have to ask 'why didn't you order X wig in X colour' when they arrive :P I hope you like my idea and I hope it will save you some money in future.
Thank you!
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Preorder Explaination
Here's some FAQ answers :) Please read the next post down as well as it contains information specific to this order.
1) Can I get Colour X in style X?
Ok, so for each order I try to keep to a few core styles, with maybe a few extras thrown in... this time we've ended up with much more interest in the Short Alice wig which was in fact preordered last time... normally I would prefer to not order duplicates, but I don't mind adding some popular colours...
For each wig my company says I must order at least 5 or 6 of each colour within a style, so if someone wants to add a colour that's not offered, I have to know that other people will buy: preferably at least three should be sold within the pre-order period as the rest comes out of my own money.
For Puki wigs you are restricted anyway: Only black bordered (non heat resisting) colours can be ordered because of the weft thickness.
2) Can I add a wig in a style that's not being offered?
It is hard for me to run orders that become over complicated: I do this completely in my spare time as a hobby so please bare with me when I forget stuff or say no: it's because I can only see myself continuing with this as long as it remains a fun thing to do on top of my job and studies... I can usually tell you when I'm likely to order your preferred style again though?
3) I recognise some of those styles from Lati!
Yup, you've guessed it: I use the same company as Lati themselves do. It started when I contacted a wig manufacturer about a year ago, asking if they would consider adding Lati sized wigs to their range. They worked on a new wig cap size and then a wig design that I'd drawn up based on the Cat Coco wig: that's the Tracy wig that started all of this!
Since then I am proud to say that Lati have used some of my designs alongside their own and those of the original company. I hope I can come up with more unique styles for everyone in the not so distant future.
4) I noticed the web site is down for maintenance/ I can't get into your shop!
I am currently on holiday XD
I will reopen for pre-orders sometime next week, and I will be open for two weeks only: at this time the shop will be working. During this time wigs will be reduced to $26. After pre-order closes the price will increase to $27, and then to $28: this is to encourage and reward those people who order early as it costs me less and makes the purchase less complicated!
Currently the shop is closed because the wigs I have in stock are in England and I won't be back until August: if anything were to sell to people who didn't realise I was away they'd be waiting for a long time ;)
5) How do I contact you away from Flickr?
Email me! You can sign up to the mailing list using the form on the right here --->
My address is rapunzel-rapunzel AT hotmail
6) How do I find out when the preorder opens?
Many, many random ways: the best is via the mailing list as mentioned above, but if you watch my Flickr stream I usually announce things fairly obviously on there. There's also a Flickr group, I use Den of Angels fairly regularly and I change my signature on there to reflect upcoming orders.
NEW 7) How long will the order take to arrive?
Usually it's about 6 weeks after my order opens, but this time it may be longer because they've warned me next month will by busy for them... I hope before September ends... I will keep everyone up to date :)
NEW 8) Can I get a discount if I order more?
Yes, I'm pleased to say that people who order 15 or more wigs are entitled to a group order discount: please contact me for more information!
Ok, I hope that helps? Please message me somewhere if there's anything else you need to know, but be aware that I'm on holiday and won't reply instantly :)
Thanks a lot,
Chloe x
Friday, 24 June 2011
Next Preorder
Time to sort out the next order!
Hi All! I'm still in America, loving the fact that the weather is exactly the same as England right now! Ah well, can't complain as I get to be with great people, and soon I'll be in Florida anyway :) I'm hoping to start working out what wigs I will order next: you can see more comparison pics in my Flickr account.
Here's what I hope to order...Pixie Wigs for Lati Yellow, some Yo-SD
Tinker wigs for Lati Yellow, Some Yo-SD
Short Alice wigs for Puki and Lati (limited colours)
I will only order colours that have three or more orders as usual, because I have to fill a minimum order.
This time I want to do things a little differently to reward those people who place orders early with me which makes my life so much easier. If you order a wig at the pre-order stage before I announce final colours (ie in the first two or three weeks) I will be charging just $26 per wig, which puts the price down to what it was before VAT went up :) If you order after that but before they arrive, I will probably make them $27, but as soon as it's announced that they're on their way the price will be set at $28 as usual. Early orders make my life easier, and it hould make it better for you guys too, so you don't have to ask 'why didn't you order X wig in X colour' when they arrive :P I hope you like my idea and I hope it will save you some money in future.
I'd love to hear your opinions on colours and the styles available as I judge the colours to offer based on what you guys say :)
Thank you!
Friday, 27 May 2011
Closed for the Summer
Phew! Ok, I'm closed up for two months now: I cannot physically ship wigs in this time so please don't ask me to: they will be on another continent XD
Thank you everyone for joining me on this weird and wonderful journey so far: I know it's not without its stresses as both seller and buyer! Hopefully when the wigs arrive to people everyone will be happy and there will be even more lovely pictures to admire on Flickr.
Have a great Summer, let me know what wig styles you'd like to order next, and see you in August!
Chloe x
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Wigs have arrived!
They're finally here!
I'm working on packaging up all 212 wigs this weekend and hoping to get them all out as soon as I can :)
I'm really pleased with the new styles! Hopefully you can see the pictures I've added here, but you can see more by going to my Flickr account.
There are some small problems...
Normally they'd be fine and I'd just ask the factory to sort them out, but because I'm off on holiday I can't get replacement wigs in on time.
There are no Blonde Puki sized wigs: these were not included at the factory.
There are no Black/Tin Skinny Plait wigs, again not included.
We're short about five Pink/White Prima Ballerina wigs.
Lastly, the Grey Prima wigs have been sent as Ivory White Primas.
Please be aware that there may be a problem with your order if you ordered these wigs. I will contact you about refunds or swaps.
Shop will close on 29th May and not reopen for TWO MONTHS!
Please place all orders before then! I may open early for preorders, but I will not be selling in stock wigs until August.
Last but not least, I had added a post option called "add to previous unshipped order" to the shop so that people could combine multiple preorders. Please DO NOT pick this option if you don't have another order to combine it with and make sure you use the same name for both! I know it sounds obvious, but you would not believe the number of people who've done this, and the majority of them seem to be from English speaking countries too... it makes my life harder, so please don't :P
Thank you!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Order is on its way!
The wigs are on their way :) I'm hoping that they will be in England, through customs and at my door by next Thursday, but I will keep you all up to date on their actual arrival time...
It's going to clash a little with my plans as I have a MASSIVELY IMPORTANT interview on the 20th and I cannot afford to mess it up as I leave for a two month break in America on the 31st and won't have time to interview for anything else, so the wigs will have to wait until that weekend I'm afraid. I hope you all understand: anything else and the wigs would be my priority, but I have to put this interview first. My aim will therefore be to spend that whole weekend packaging, ticking off wigs, contacting people if I need to and getting ready to queue outside the Post Office at 9am on Monday: boy am I going to make their day!
Because of my holiday...
I will be closing the shop on the 28th, until late July/early August. If you'd like any of the preorder wigs but haven't bought them yet please do now: I have added an option that will allow you to combine your newer orders with an unshipped order for cheaper postage.
Thanks so much for being so patient, and lets hope the wigs arrive soon!
Chloe xx
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Cherry Tree's Big Shave for Japan
Hi everyone,
Seems like a while since I posted! The current order is well under way, so hopefully that will be with us be the end of April.
However, the disaster in Japan has prompted me to do something I haven't done before: offer a white Prima Ballerina wig for sale. I always said I wouldn't sell them in white but I have to mark this disaster and offer something special to raise as much money as possible, so it looks like Cherry Tree will be bald for a while! I was hoping to split the profit with Red Nose Day here in the UK but it won't let you split it...
The auction starting price is 99p so less of the final bid is paid as fees, more as donation. Please go take a look, as I'm hopeful that I won't be selling these wigs too often! It will run from tonight until next Sunday 9pm BST.
If you're realing this too late, please remember that the yellow Tinker wigs in my shop are ALWAYS charity wigs, with the profits going to Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital :)
Thank you for reading!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Sale Now On :)

Hi All,
I got bored of waiting to run the discount, sorry! As such wigs are now discounted this whole week, from $28 down to $23 and $25 depending on style. I figured people would want their in stock orders now, instead of ordering with preorder wigs and having to wait.
Speaking of preorder wigs, I'll be ordering again from February 14th :) Lots of information here but you can also e-mail me at rapunzel-rapunzel AT for information. I've got sketches for this preorder mostly, because a lot of the wigs will be new styles or colours.

More on the preorder later though, don't forget sale ends this Sunday!
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Thinking Ahead...

Hi everyone, just wanted to add a quick update of the last and next orders, so you all know where I am!
The last order was I think, a far greater success than the one before it, mainly because I don't think I've made a mistake yet! (*knock on wood*) I'm sure you'll agree making the switch to a shop based order system is a lot safer and has been far more successful. In addition, with only a few hiccups where to shop decided I could have -1 quantities of a few wigs (!) it keeps me a lot more organised in terms of stock totals. Most popular this time were the new colour mix pink/white Prima, the pure white Tinker and the classic pure white Tracy.
Although I'd originally planned to host another order in January, my new job and other complications will push this back until February: any opinions? What I hope to do is start an order for Prima, Pixie and Tinker styles swith possibly a few random others thrown in, and simultaneously have a special discount event on the site. The discount will run for one day only, February 14th. If a mix of preorder wigs and instock wigs are ordered, they will be posted together once the preorders arrive, so if you need the wigs as soon as possible, please place seperate orders!
Another reason for the delay is so I have time to continue work on the prototype for the Goldilocks wig style shown above. I think it's really cute but it definitely needs work, particularly on the bulk and the fringe. I hope to have a final design verified in time for the order after this one.
Finally, I know a lot of people have been asking for the wig style with the little plaits sticking out of the bottom that Hallowe'en Cat Lea has. I haven't yet taken orders for a design that isn't directly mine or one of my companies core styles, but I will be discussing the possibility of adding this wig to my repetoire. It may be that they require me to change a few details, but so many people have asked that I have to see what I can do. If I get the go ahead I will be preordering these in February too.
Thanks a lot everyone!
Chloe x
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Open for Business :)

That's right, I'm open again! All orders placed by Monday night will ship out on Tuesday, promise :)
There's a few new styles but sadly I am devoid of photos as my camera charger died, grrr! I do have new drawings of each style to give you an idea and am frantically going through my photo library to find pics of the colours I do have already: fingers crossed my new charger will be here soon. Until then here's a quick reminder of the styles available...

Happy 2011 everyone!